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Sheet Music Edits



The Wind Music of Lothar Klein - Timothy Maloney

Canadian Winds, Journal of the Canadian Band Assoc., 2010

Study of Concerto Sacro for Viola and Orchestra by Lothar Klein - Mark Neumann

Five Canadian Viola Concertos of the 1980's : an analytical study and performance guide by Mark Neumann, Princeton University Library


What Mozart's Joke Tells Us - Lothar Klein

JUNE 1992, (lecture)

Is it Okay to Like Tchaikowsky? - Lothar Klein

A commencement address given at the University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Music, Jan. 30, 1990

From Bach to Rush - Notes on Composition - Lothar Klein

Canadian Forum, Aug. 1980

Mack the Knife gets lost in Dallas - Lothar Klein

Presentation at the International Brecht Conference,

University of Toronto, Oct. 1986

Lothar Klein Interviews Witold Lutoslawski 

Fugue Magazine, 1979

Stravinsky's Poetics: Dialogue of Music Lifestyle - Lothar Klein

Music Educator's Journal, Sept. 1973

ISCM Festival at Hamburg - Lothar Klein

Canadian Composer Magazine, Sept. 1969

Book Reviews; The Musical Symbol, Tonality, Practica Musica - Lothar Klein

Canadian Composer Magazine, Apr. 1969

Compte Rendu par Lothar Klein (French)

Canadian Composer Magazine, Apr. 1969

Essays in Miniature - Readers Comments on Lothar Klein Articles

Music Educators Journal, Dec. 1968

Essays in Miniature - John Cage - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, May 1968

Essays in Miniature - Brahms, Boulez & Beatles - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Apr. 1968

Essays in Miniature - Stockhausen - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Feb. 1968

Essays in Miniature - Stravinsky - part 2, by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Dec. 1967

Essays in Miniature - Stravinsky - part 1, by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Oct. 1967

Essays in Miniature -Hindemith - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, May 1967

Essays in Miniature - Varese - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Apr. 1967

Essays in Miniature -Schoenberg, part 2 - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Mar. 1967

Essays in Miniature - Schoenberg, part 1 - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Feb. 1967

Essays in Miniature - Webern - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Jan. 1967

Reflections on Music and the Liberal Arts - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Dec. 1966

Essays in Miniature - Erik Satie - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Dec. 1966

What is the Composer Trying to Say? - by Lothar Klein

American Music Teacher, Oct. 1966

History in Perspective, Another View - by Lothar Klein

Composer Magazine, Autumn 1966

Stravinsky - by Lothar Klein

Austin Statesman, 3/28/1965

Symposiums - A Shaping Force in Music - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Nov/Dec. 1964

History, Tradition, Responsibility - by Lothar Klein

Inter-American Music Bulletin, July 1964

Twelve-Tone Evolution 1930-60 - by Lothar Klein

Inter-American Music Bulletin, Sept. 1963

Choral Publications, Standards, Suggestions & Stravinsky - by Lothar Klein

Music Educators Journal, Jan. 1963

Choral Publications, Standards, Suggestions & Stravinsky - by Lothar Klein

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